Archive for January, 2017

New Color Trends

Tuesday, January 24th, 2017


Find out which colors everyone will be talking about this year.

Color is often overlooked as a major design element, but a color scheme can define an era or even a year. While you may be deciding where to spend your summer vacation or upcoming trip, color predictors already know what color bathing suit you’ll see on the racks when you go bikini shopping. Color predictors are designers, sociologists, and predictors. Pulling from runway trends, showrooms, trade shoes, and magazines, predictors can determine which colors will dominate the new year.

Take a look at some of our color forecasts for 2017.


Neutrals & Monochromatic

Gray is one of the favorites for 2017. Gray hues are popular because it’s such a versatile and classic color. From soft gray to charcoal and hematite, these tones look absolutely great when paired with metallic and pearlescent accents.

You can also expect mocha and cinnamon colors to become more prevalent in the next few months as we start to see spring colors in stores and on shelves.



As more and more people become conscious about the environment, green is becoming a favorite among many interior designers and clothing brands. This color makes people feel comfortable. With soft earthy tones to vibrant and rich hues, green is a color that can transform a room. When going for a more natural and clean look, try a more muted green. Or, opt for a statement and choose hunter green to contrast with lighter, neutral colors.


Pale Pastels

Though this look has been done in 2016, it will prove to be popular this year as well. The crisp look of pretty pink pastels in combination with light blues and yellow will work to introduce new color to your living spaces without going overboard. A comfortable pastel range is a healthy way to get into new color schemes without completely changing your décor.


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New Year’s Resolutions for Your Home

Tuesday, January 24th, 2017

Declutter your home and mind for increased happiness in 2017.

With the start of the new year, you may have made a few resolutions to better yourself in 2017. Common resolutions include exercising more often, eating healthy, and getting your home in order. After entertaining or traveling during the holidays, things might be back to normal for you. If you’re falling into the same old routine and noticing more clutter than ever in your home, check out these tips from Eastern — The Furniture Company to help you embrace the spirit of new beginnings.


  1. Streamline your belongings

Feel better and free up space in your home by taking away items you no longer have use for. A good rule of thumb is to remove anything you don’t use in about 3 days. No one should be hauling out family room furniture or fancy china sets, but it’s a good idea to get organized when possible. Put items such as books, records, DVDs, and remotes in something simple like a woven basket or cloth organizer. Clear off counters and other surfaces to give your space a cleaner look.


  1. Safety First

Be sure all smoke detectors have working batteries. Many homeowners may take out the batteries out of annoyance or convenience, but this is dangerous. Check for radon, which is an odorless and colorless gas, and look to see that your carbon monoxide monitor is working.


  1. Become Energy Efficient

Reduce your carbon footprint and shrink your energy bills by insulating walls, windows, attics, and doors. Caulking strips are easy to install and can be found at any hardware store. This will help to cut down on potential drafts or air loss.


  1. Create Weekly Cleaning Schedules

Cleaning your entire home every week is manageable if you keep up a routine and schedule. Focus on one type of cleaning at a time, rather than one room at a time. Stick to decluttering first, then tend to countertops and other surfaces, then direct your attention to cleaning the floors.


  1. Time to Entertain

When you fill your home with things that raise your energy level and make you feel good, you have space to remove the things that are broken and drain your energy. If you’re expecting a lot of guests and you want to give your home a quick update, consider a light rearrangement of furniture. New plants can also be a good way to bring in new energy and help clean the air.

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